The new cow came through the gate,
And her calf came after, a little late.
No longer willing to be led,
The calf went on ahead,
While she stood to look around
Over the hills and lower ground
Stood shyly, defiantly there,
Smelling flower-fragrant air,
And gazed toward the old cows
Grouped on the way before.
Knowing not how she might stay
Among them, stranger still,
She hesitated yet, now they had turned
At the foot of the hill
And seemed to wait for her at the gate,
To wait for her who was strange and thin,
Till she came on,
And they opened their ranks
To take her in.
(August Derleth)

Motiv 2.5 × 2.1 cm, Aquarell
Papier 300g Aquarellpapier
Format 20 × 20 cm

90 €
25 €
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