I'm just a little on hedge today

For a TIPSY HEDGEHOG CAKE recipe you need a) An oval-shaped sponge or Madeira cake b) White wine, sherry or brandy c) 1 pint rich custard made with eggs and cream or milk d) Blanched and split almonds e) Whipped cream. 1) Cut the cake to a "hedgehog" shape, tapering to form the head and tail. 2) Pour over enough of the wine, sherry or brandy to moisten the cake without making it too damp. 3) Cover with the custard. Insert the almonds into the cake to form the hedgehog's prickles. 4) Place the cake on a serving dish and pipe whipped sweetened cream as a border.

Motiv 2.6 × 1.9 cm, Aquarell
Papier 300g Aquarellpapier
Format 20 × 20 cm

90 €
25 €
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